
TenantSee Weekly: The Ingredients Matter

TenantSee Weekly: The Ingredients Matter

Strategy is to occupier real estate what a recipe is to a great meal.  A recipe is more than the sum of its parts.  It’s about how each ingredient is prepared, how and when it’s added to the mix.  As with any recipe in which there are primary ingredients, vital to its success, similarly, every great strategy requires 3 main parts:

TenantSee Weekly: From Blend and Extend to End and Extend

TenantSee Weekly: From Blend and Extend to End and Extend

The so called “blend and extend” deal structure has a number of applications, among them a scenario in which a landlord might account for a downward adjustment to a tenant’s rent by amortizing the value of the adjustment with interest into a new term.  Say, for example, a tenant has 3 years remaining on a lease and the market value for the space has dropped from $75/sf to $60/sf.  The landlord would adjust the rate to market ($60/sf) and spread the $15/sf differential over the new term.  If the interest rate were 8%, and the term 7-years, this would add $2.80/sf to the rent. 

TenantSee Weekly: Knowing Your When

TenantSee Weekly: Knowing Your When

We see a lot of confusion in the market around when to begin negotiations.  It’s not an insignificant consideration.  In fact, when you begin can make a huge difference in the outcome.  It’s understandable that tenants would not know when to start.  Brokers are not always keen to start at the right time, since compensation is derived by transacting and the closer the tenant is to lease expiration, the faster it will need to transact (and the fewer options it will have).  Good for the broker, bad for the tenant.  This creates a misalignment of interests that discourages thoughtful consultation on the front end – the more time a broker spends on a project, the lower the compensation. 

TenantSee Weekly: Sweet Spot

TenantSee Weekly:  Sweet Spot

How do you know when you’ve fully accessed market leverage in negotiating a lease extension?  It’s when you find the sweet spot, a place in which the economics of the potential relocation lease match the lowest value the existing landlord is willing to offer.  This is not a simple exercise of identifying the asking rents for alternative sites and asking the landlord to match.  No, instead, it’s a byproduct of a carefully orchestrated negotiation that involves 2 main elements: