
TenantSee Weekly: Active Listening, the Skilled Negotiator's Secret Weapon

TenantSee Weekly: Active Listening, the Skilled Negotiator's Secret Weapon

Office lease negotiations are complex, involving numerous parties (the principals and their advisors), and covering a wide range of issues, from economic to legal.  The most effective negotiators are those who possess both a deep understanding of the markets, and the ability to actively listen while negotiating. 

TenantSee Weekly: How Time Affects Negotiating Strategy

TenantSee Weekly: How Time Affects Negotiating Strategy

San Francisco Bay Area office occupiers are entering one of the best negotiating environments since the dotcom crash of 2001. Yet benefiting from this market is less straight forward than in past downturns because of uncertainties around how to plan post-COVID occupancy. Getting your real estate “right” requires a level of pre-planning not typically associated with the acquisition of office space. The first question you should ask is not where but why. As in, why have an office?