
TenantSee Weekly: New Year, More Leverage

TenantSee Weekly: New Year, More Leverage

n March, we’ll hit the 4-year anniversary of the date when offices all over the city first shut down due to the pandemic, a time when just 5% of the city’s office inventory was available.  Today, despite having more office workers now than we had then, just under 30m sf of our total supply sits vacant, and even more than that is available.  Citywide average asking rental rates declined 17.5% during this period.  We expect this trend to continue, possibly to accelerate in 2024.  Sublease supply is pulling rates down as companies increasingly view any recovery as a net positive.  There’s little on the near-term horizon to suggest we’ve begun (or will even begin in 2024) the long march toward recovery.  The market dynamic is considerably worse than that which we experienced in the dot-com recession when it took 63 quarters to get from bottom to peak.  We’ve not yet reached the bottom. 

Market Outlook Q2 2021- Tenant Perspective

Market Outlook Q2 2021- Tenant Perspective

This San Francisco office market report is provided compliments of Samantha S. Low and Greg Fogg, Co-Founders of TenantSee. TenantSee is a tenant real estate product combining a team of subject-matter experts with powerful technology to make tenant real estate smarter, faster, and better. Our report is intended to provide you the tenant, with meaningful insights, not raw data.

Market Outlook Q1 2021- Tenant Perspective

Market Outlook Q1 2021- Tenant Perspective

This San Francisco office market report is provided compliments of Samantha S. Low and Greg Fogg, Co-Founders of TenantSee. TenantSee is a tenant real estate product combining a team of subject-matter experts with powerful technology to make tenant real estate smarter, faster, and better. Our report is intended to provide you the tenant, with meaningful insights, not raw data.

Market Outlook Q4 2020 - Tenant Perspective

Market Outlook Q4 2020 - Tenant Perspective

To our clients and loyal followers…In a departure from our normal practice, we’ve chosen to write a letter to close out what has been a most unusual year. With respect to office space, it’s no stretch to describe 2020 as the most impactful year of the past century. What changed? In a word: everything.

Market Outlook Q3 2020 - Tenant Perspective

Market Outlook Q3 2020 - Tenant Perspective

This San Francisco office market report is providedcompliments of TenantSee. TenantSee is a tenant realestate product combining a team of subject-matterexperts with powerful technology to make tenantreal estate smarter, faster and better. Our report isintended to provide you, the tenant, with meaningfulinsights, not raw data.~

Market Outlook Q2 2020 - Tenant Perspective

Market Outlook Q2 2020 - Tenant Perspective

This San Francisco office market report is providedcompliments of TenantSee. TenantSee is a tenant realestate product combining a team of subject-matterexperts with powerful technology to make tenantreal estate smarter, faster and better. Our report isintended to provide you, the tenant, with meaningfulinsights, not raw data.~

Market Outlook Q1 2020 - Tenant Perspective

Market Outlook Q1 2020 - Tenant Perspective

This San Francisco office market report is providedcompliments of TenantSee. TenantSee is a tenant realestate product combining a team of subject-matterexperts with powerful technology to make tenantreal estate smarter, faster and better. Our report isintended to provide you, the tenant, with meaningfulinsights, not raw data.~

Total Awareness: TenantSee Market Diagnostics Help Tenants See the Big Picture

Total Awareness: TenantSee Market Diagnostics Help Tenants See the Big Picture

You signed a 10-year lease 7 years ago. Since then, the market value of your space has more than doubled. At this pace, you’re looking at a huge price increase in 3 years. What should you do? Today in the San Francisco Bay Area marketplace, this is the single most common discussion we have with tenants. Since our approach to this question is always the same, we thought it made sense to describe it here today. The question “What should we do?”, is really comprised of 3 questions.

Market Outlook Q2 2019 - Tenant Perspective

Market Outlook Q2 2019 - Tenant Perspective

This San Francisco office market report is provided

compliments of TenantSee. TenantSee is a tenant real

estate product combining a team of subject-matter

experts with powerful technology to make tenant

real estate smarter, faster and better. Our report is

intended to provide you, the tenant, with meaningful

insights, not raw data.