
TenantSee Weekly: Solve for Experience!

TenantSee Weekly: Solve for Experience!

US office markets are not healthy.  The symptoms include reduced demand due to remote work, eroding rental economics due to mounting vacancy and broken capital stacks.  The pandemic was the catalyst, but technology is the true source of the suffering.  Technology is where many aspects of white-collar work are now done.   I asked Chat GPT to define the office and then I asked it to define the office in 1990.  Here’s how it responded: 

TenantSee Weekly: What Happens When...

TenantSee Weekly: What Happens When...

This week we’re exploring what happens when companies define their own bespoke approach to the office vs. when they default to their pre-pandemic office construct, despite significant changes in how they work.  To date, many small to mid-size organizations have chosen not to formulate a definitive new approach, instead relying on the old office design and a loosely defined hybrid approach.  In a time when the mere discussion of corporate office policy has the potential to trigger highly negative reactions among employees, it takes courage and leadership to advocate a new plan that reflects a vision for the future.  Understandably, as we’ve crept out of full pandemic mode and begun to look to the future, many companies have been uneasy about taking a definitive position.