
TenantSee Weekly: Culture and the Modern Workplace

TenantSee Weekly: Culture and the Modern Workplace

Culture: noun: the customs, arts, social institutions, and achievements of a particular nation, people, or other social group.

We all want to be part of something great. We want our workplace culture to be worthy of its “Best Places to Work” status. But in many cases, the corporate “cultural persona” does not fully reflect the cultural reality.

Why? Firstly, leadership. Leaders tend to focus on the desired culture as opposed to the existing culture. It’s easier (and more uplifting) to identify the cultural characteristics you want, as opposed to sifting through the complexities of the culture you have. But when the aspirational culture fails to align with the existing culture, it results in an authenticity problem. However, you can’t fully blame leaders. Most companies lack the right incentives for leadership to invest in the hard work and difficult decisions necessary to bridge the gap between existing and aspirational culture. For example, achieving cultural alignment might necessitate terminating individuals who are financially productive but culturally cancerous. There could be entire groups within the company who behave in a manner that is inconsistent with the aspirational culture.