
TenantSee Weekly: Modern Workplace Planning: Solving for Experience Part II: Budget and Schedule

TenantSee Weekly: Modern Workplace Planning: Solving for Experience  Part II: Budget and Schedule

Last week we established the importance of defining “the purpose” behind your workplace, especially those elements of the workplace which are expressed through physical spaces.  This is the first (and vitally important) step companies must take before they begin a real estate process (e.g., the process of acquiring space).  Once established, the next step is to think carefully about budget and schedule.  These considerations, much like the discussion of purpose, are greatly aided by working closely with your real estate advisor.  Here, again, companies must shift how they think about the engagement of real estate advisory services.  Having the right real estate partner on board from the very beginning facilitates access to critical data and insights.  The process of properly defining the budget and schedule are both areas in which the advisor can play a key role. 

TenantSee Weekly: Modern Workplace Planning: Solving for Experience Part I: The Purpose

TenantSee Weekly: Modern Workplace Planning: Solving for Experience   Part I:  The Purpose

In the years leading up to the pandemic, most medium and small companies defined their office space need based on headcount (current and projected), space programming, and industry/sector norms.  The exercise was mostly formulaic.  The primary differences in the offices of a small, regional law firm compared to those of an AM Law 100 firm would be scale, the cost of finishes, and the quality of the building and views.  It was planning for the same outcome, just at different levels on the cost spectrum.  Companies having a larger portfolio of offices would typically create a “workplace strategy” that included guidelines around programming (e.g., space layout, office size, critical adjacencies, growth factor, finishes, FF&E, etc.).  These guidelines could then be used to inform the real estate process across geography.