Among the many reasons we created TenantSee is our belief that tenant real estate services should be full-scope, easy for occupiers to access and delivered with total transparency.  Most real estate service providers simply don’t have the scale to address the entire spectrum of occupier need.  The handful that have such scale require tenant clients to navigate a maze of siloed service lines that are poorly integrated with conflicting agendas.  TenantSee, powered by Cushman & Wakefield, offers occupiers industry-leading resources accessible through an award-winning technology platform from which services and outcomes are delivered and measured with transparency. 

This directory offers a brief overview of the most relevant services TenantSee can bring to occupiers now as they look to respond to the COVID – 19 Pandemic.  Many companies are struggling to find a path forward with their facilities, to understand which steps to take and how to prioritize their actions.  For this reason, we’ve organized the directory based upon the sequencing of when to engage with the highlighted action.  The most important first step is to ensure the health and safety of your workforce.  This is not a time to rush into reactionary solutions.  For example, many are realizing that a larger percentage of their employees may be able to effectively work from home indefinitely.  But how do you measure the true efficacy of work from home?  Which employees want more of it and which can’t wait to get back to the office?  How does the employee’s specific health, commute and home circumstances impact the desirability of work from home?  What are the cultural implications?  Work from home is here to stay but for it to be a meaningful element of a sustainable workplace strategy, its scale and implementation must be studied rigorously and planned thoughtfully.  Similarly, this is not a good time to significantly redesign your workplace.  Better to do the minimum to address health and safety, buying more time to achieve the optimal outcome.  “Proceed with caution” is a good mantra in these changing times.

  1.   Employee Health and Safety:  Reopening Procedures 

    • Recovery Readiness – Reopening Your Offices

      • Safe Six Check List

        • Here is the check list

      • A How-to Guide for Reopening your Workplace

      • Recovery Readiness Task Force Opportunity Team

        • A fee-based team of experts with experience executing Cushman & Wakefield guidelines and helping occupiers establish and implement custom guidelines 

    • Design/Technology


      • Space planning and furniture planning services, expressed in 3-D and virtual, to ensure appropriate social distancing measures in the workplace

      • Evaluation of technology systems critical to maximizing employee productivity both in and outside the office

      • Xsf (Experience per Square Foot)

        • Proprietary consultative product to assess employee engagement

        • Also Xsf@home to study employee engagement in work from home environment (need >50 employees to implement)

        • Here is a whitepaper on Xsf                                

  2. Portfolio Analytics/Labor Analytics 

    • Assess and prioritize sites

    • Market Diagnostics

      • Here is an example of our Market Diagnostic

    • Identify target labor

      • Metro comparisons

    • Develop and implement portfolio strategy        

  3. Space Disposition/Lease Termination 

    • Audit sublease and assignment rights

      • Detailed review of relevant lease clause(s)

        • Profit sharing

        • Landlord recapture right

        • Notices

        • Prohibitions

    • Underwrite recovery

      • Model best-case, base-case and worst-case recovery scenarios

      • Compare sublease vs. termination

    • Develop marketing plan/materials

      • Here is an example of a marketing brochure

    • Implement disposition/termination campaign 

  4. Rent Relief/Lease Restructure

    • Develop and implement strategy

      • Each circumstance is unique

      • Experience-based approaches that fully contemplate both tenant and landlord outcome

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