Start at Why

Technology has had a growing impact on how corporations think about labor, facilities and cost. In particular, companies have found that they don't always need to have a physical presence to be present. And where they are physically present, they seek deeper understanding of how to design their facility to maximize employee engagement. In short, the scale and design of the modern workplace is rapidly changing in response to technology.

The contemporary real estate process starts at "why?". Why do we need to hire new employees? Why do we need to be in INSERT CITY NAME HERE. Why did we design our facility as we did? It then transitions to "what?". What is the demographic profile of our labor force? Then on to "which?". Which city is best suited to address this labor need? And, finally, to "how?". How do we get the optimal facility in the designated city? Only then is the occupier ready to pursue a local market real estate strategy. Interestingly, the vast majority of real estate service providers (whose core competency is finding space) are ill-equipped to address the new, broader-scope needs of corporate occupiers.

In fact, only a handful of global real estate firms are capable of taking a customer through the full service life cycle. Cushman & Wakefield is one such firm. Characterized by tenant capabilities that address every facet of a complete tenant process, from labor analytics to employee engagement to global market dynamics, Cushman & Wakefield has continuously evolved over its 100+ year existence. TenantSee is a great example. The sophisticated TenantSee technology platform arranges and delivers essential Cushman & Wakefield services in order to address specific needs at exactly the correct time. TenantSee is the only real estate service model that begins serving its customer at "Why?".

If you'd like to learn more about how TenantSee reveals the connection between business drivers, labor, labor markets, facilities design, real estate markets and beyond, please visit